

Texas 144.1

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Items Available: 9

Loosely inspired by  Project 86: Fall, Goliath, Fall, Ghosts will be a series of hybrid designs fusing historical symbolism and themes with a modern twist.

"The ghosts of our fathers beat drums by our sides
The trophies of the day: scalps and hides
We fight, not for the hate of the tyrant
We fight, because of love for what is behind us"

Ghost VII

This one is a little different...

"Vastitate Hostili" Loosely translated as "by the waste of the enemy" or "overthrown by hostility". The phrase is found in the Vulgate Latin KJV translation of Isaiah 1

Isaiah 1:7

"terra vestra deserta civitates vestrae succensae igni regionem vestram coram vobis alieni devorant et desolabitur sicut in vastitate hostili"
"Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers."
While we do not seek to emulate the theme of the chapter or verse, there Latin words and symbols provide a a powerful backdrop to an age old struggle for freedom from tyrannical kings and governments whom considered the people as "enemies".
  • 3x2" 
  • Woven
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 08/15/2024


Ghost VI

A central storm cloud + a 360 display of lighting bolts.

Based off the 2nd Continental Light Dragoon's motto "Patria Concita Fulminent Nati" - This Latin phrase has a number of interpretations and in this case, it's most aligned to “The fatherland/country calls/expects its sons to respond with/in tones of thunder”. (

  • 3x2" 
  • Woven
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 02/21/2024

Ghost V

"VINCE AUT MORIRE" - Latin for Win or Die/Victory or Death is the motto adorned on The Bedford Flag. The skull with the tarnished crown and crossbones signify the mentality against the ruling crown (or any tyrant) and its enforcers. The hubris of any empire/tyrant ultimately brings upon it an embarrassing (and tarnished) destruction by a united people willing to put it all on the line (Victory or death).

  • 3x2"
  • Woven
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 10/25/2023

Ghost IV

"Domari Nolo" - Latin for "I will not be dominated" / "I will not be subjugated". Taken from the First Pennsylvania Regiment Banner. This design pays homage to that specific banner with our own twist. Thirteen stars in a non-traditional pattern along with a lion free from his restraints. On the lion's ribcage are 6 stripes - one for each of the years of direct conflict (1776-1781). 

  • 3x2"
  • Woven
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 5/9/2023

Ghost III

"Semper Paratus" Latin for 'Always Prepared'. The horse has historically been a key component in battle and one that the rider had to have complete trust and faith in. It's prized for its strength, agility and when properly trained, fearlessness. Given the central role the horse played in an army, it was well cared for.  Proverbs speaks of the horse being prepared, but trusting in the Lord for victory...

"The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD." - Proverbs 21:31

Thirteen leaves for the 13 colonies. 

  • 3x2"
  • Woven
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 12/1/2022

Ghost II

Providence - Divine direction and guidance. George Washington used this word in many of his writings. He's noted as seeking the guidance (providence) of God in all matters. His actions on and off the battlefield were a direct reflection. The pine tree held significance to colonists in New England and became a symbol of distain for the crown an resistance. The thirteen 6-pointed stars represent the 13 colonies and are situated in the canton much like many flags of the period.

  • 3x2"
  • Woven
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 09/15/2022

Ghost I

The first usage of our DTOM inspired coiled snakes since our 2020 release of Sic Semper Tyrannis and a more modern adaptation of The Gadsden Flag.

Leading up to the American Revolution, the rattle snake was an established symbol of Colonial America. Benjamin Franklin has been noted as saying the rattlesnake never backed down when provoked, which captured “the temper and conduct of America.”

The two rifles symbolize the tool used to back up the observation Benjamin Franklin made.

Bobby Lee Swagger on the rifle and the role of rifleman in the American Revolution (Shooter (2007): Deleted Scenes)

"...Every American was a rifleman by birth, and one American was worth ten or twenty foreigners in a fight." - John Steinbeck

"I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe to surrender my rifle." - Sitting Bull

  • 3x2"
  • Woven
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 8/9/2022

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