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Resistor V3 [ Brushbeater ] (Legacy)
Resistor V3 [ Brushbeater ] (Legacy)

Resistor V3 [ Brushbeater ] (Legacy)

Texas 144.1

Regular price $6.00 Sale

** And as they say... THAT'S ALL, FOLKS! ** 

The Resistor V3 is a joint op between NC Scout over @ Brushbeater and 144:1. 

The Brushbeater Patch...
Our basic design is an ode to the Nicaraguan Anti-Communist La Contrarrevolución, or better known as Contras; its a not-so-subtle attack on the Left in the US and abroad and also a shot at the PC-friendly ARRL. Second, the Resistor symbol not only signals resistance to communist progression but telegraphs the third leg of effective action; Communications.