Finem / To The End
Finem / To The End
Finem / To The End
Finem / To The End
Finem / To The End
Finem / To The End
Finem / To The End
Finem / To The End

Finem / To The End

Texas 144.1

Regular price $8.00 Sale

Items Available: 18

Finem - Latin for the 'End'. A mild spin off from a recent customer design. Used and adapted with permission.

Endure: To carry on through, despite hardships; undergo or suffer.

"But the one who endures to the end will be saved." - Matthew 24:13

Ad Finem - To The End (original adaptation)

Pati Finem - Endure until the end

Release III

  • Limited edition and capped at 50 units for each
  • 2.5" 
  • Woven/PVC
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 2/2/24 

Release II

  • 2.5" 
  • Woven/PVC
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 10/15/22 


  • 2.5" 
  • Woven
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 6/22/22 


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