There will be no order fulfillment 2/22-2/28. Use code GONEFISHING @ checkout for 25% off Morale Patches

Affliction (King of kings) (Clearance)
Affliction (King of kings) (Clearance)
Affliction (King of kings) (Clearance)
Affliction (King of kings) (Clearance)
Affliction (King of kings) (Clearance)
Affliction (King of kings) (Clearance)

Affliction (King of kings) (Clearance)

Texas 144.1

Regular price $9.00 Sale

"Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted." - Isaiah 53:4

The crown placed upon his head wasn't pretty. Neither are these.

Release 2

  • 3.5"x2
  • Emrboidered
  • Hook Backing
  • Release: 6/22/2022

 Release 1

Limited production run. Each unit is hand finished and unique in design. No two are the same,

  • 3.5x2"
  • Cordura
  • Hook backing
  • Release: 01/27/22
  • Camouflage patterns will vary