Emanuel Wynn Ensign

Emanuel Wynn Ensign

Texas 144.1

Regular price $13.00 Sale

Very little historical information is available about the pirate Emmanuel Wynn. Subsequently, history has no dashing tales of him to tell or insight as to his life as a pirate in the north Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea.

Wynn skirmished with the HMS Poole in the summer of 1700, well before the golden age of piracy about 20 years later.  During this encounter with Wynn, Captain Granby of the HMS Poole described Wynn’s flag as "a sable ensign with cross bones, a death's head, and an hour glass." Thus historians ascribe Wynn’s Ensign as one of the first, if not the first edition of the now infamous Jolly Roger flag.

The skull and crossbones have long been clearly associated with a warning of death with whatever they adorned.  The hourglass was familiar to sailors and land dwellers alike as it was the time keeper of the day. No doubt the designer, be it Wynn or someone else, merged these icons of Death and Time into succinct image to instill immediate fear and more importantly submission into the hearts of those unfortunate enough to encounter Wynn and his crew.  The simplicity of the design made its message universal to the multi-national vessels Wynn hunted.

Time is fleeting and death approaches.  Add our Emmanuel Wynn patch to your historical collection and let it warn others of your commitment to action. 

  • 3x2"
  • Woven
  • Hook backing
  • Re-release: August 2020
  • Vinyl Decal